This game is awesome!!! All my friends have it too and I started a trend. My favorite dogs are named Winston and Salem because those are good names for dogs. I have never been to Winston Salem but I would love to go there on a free holiday. This game also inspired me to become a tiny house designer and I was inspired by the backgrounds in the different places. I love tiny houses but I also love bread. This game caused me to learn new types of bread and find my love for carbs. This mean person I met judged me when I played this game but I love it anyways. I think you should follow your dreams and play bread puppies even though the haters tell you not to. I also recommend becoming a tiny house designer because it lets people channel their inner creativity, zen, and central breathing. Yoga is cool, you should try it. I also recommend going to Winston Salem, my friends said that its cool. Hope you have a good day and remember to play bread puppies!!! Also I recommend salmon as a healthier alternative to red meat, it has cool protein and healthy stuff. Salmon is especially good if it is baked with pesto or smoked on a bagel with cream cheese. Try a flavoured bagel if you are adventurous like me, I recommend everything bagels. The right blend of poppy seeds, garlic, and flavour is key. Winston Salem probably has good bagels. Good day to you and visit Winston Salem because it is healthy because it probably has smoked salmon bagels , tiny houses, yoga, bubble tea (if your feeling adventurous, like me), and zen, central breathing, and a good place to play bread puppies!!!
LalaithHufflepuff about Bread Puppies, v1.11.7